Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2011

My Year...!

So, this is my post about my last year 2010!!!

Marcel and I booked our flight to Japan!!!

And Marcel went to Sweden for a long weekend with his friends. Don't want to know what happend there...;-)

The first year in our joint flat. Yes, I know it's just one year. But we moved in together after nearly 7 years beeing together. And everything went well!!!

our first contact

HOLIDAYS!!! Our first time together to England. We went there by ferry with my parents. It was just a week but it was great. We saw a lot: York and Whitby... It was Marcel's first time to England! We both loved York, we are planning to go there some holiday and stay there in a youth-hostel.

Nothing special in April. Like every year Andrew's birthday!!!

I began blogging in March. I wanted my friends and family to follow our planning and so on for our Japan-Trip...

We booked our hotel...sakur hotel hatagaya
And we were still learning japanese...
My uncle from England came over for a visit. And for the Kiel-Week.

A warm month and no pics...:-/
We got our passports, got a bit excited....

My 27. birthday!
We had everything checked so we wouldn't forget anything and on the 30. started our trip!!!

If you want to know anymore details look here !

Reporting from our trip to everybody who wants to know, looking throught tons of pics, saving money and tidying up the flat.

I started my second blog *My Kitchen*!
Sadly my lovely grandma died. I miss you!

Snow, snow and snow! A great winter with lots of snow, a white christmas...

That was my year in short and some pics. Hope you had a great year like me.
Have a nice week!!!


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