Dienstag, 29. November 2011


Today I started to make christmas gifts. I always try to make something myself for everybody, sometimes it's just the card but sometimes it's something big. And there will be some cookies of course!
I can't post any pics here, somebody may be reading this, who will notice his/her present. But I will show you some after christmas. 
Do you make presents yourself?

Be creative and make a present!


Sonntag, 27. November 2011

Sunday Cake

Made a cake today. What a surprise ;)
My favorite apple-cake, easy to make and really moist and delicious! Wanna see some pictures?
Here they come!!!

Samstag, 26. November 2011

Shopping ;-)

I had to buy some things at the Citti-markt (at the mal where I work) and couldn't resist to buy a little bit more as I wanted....

Mittwoch, 23. November 2011

Pop-up Books

Marcel and I just had a look in 2 of the pop-up books from my nana. The first one I used to 'read' very often after school and my grandparents: Pension zum ewigen Frieden

Presies for Marcel...

Bought the last few presents for Marcel's Advent calendar. Can't tell you where I bought them, Marcel is reading along.


Sonntag, 20. November 2011


Hab grad mal festgestellt, dass mir echt die englischen Vokabeln für dieses Posting fehlen....ToT
Naja, dieses Mal schreib ich denn in Deutsch:
Ich habe schon letzte Woche angefangen Weihnachtsdeko zu kaufen, nachdem wir nach langer Zeit mal wieder bei Ikea waren. Dort hab ich aber gar nicht soo viel gekauft, nur 2 Packungen Fliegenpilz-Anhänger und rot-weiß gestreiftes Geschenkpapier!!! Also stand fest wie das diesjährige Weihnachtsthema bei uns aussehen wird: Fliegenpilze!!!
Und dann sind wir ein paar Tage später in den besten Dekoladen gefahren...Depot in Raisdorf, 'tschuldigung Schwentinental. Dort haben sie auch ganz viele Fliegenpilze!!! *YAY* Dort habe ich dann auch ein bissl mehr Geld gelassen und habe mir einen Kranz und ein paar Fliegenpilze mit Klammer gekauft.
Hab mir dann zuhause überlegt wie der Kranz aussehen soll und habe gemerkt, dass ich noch nicht alles dafür hatte...also sind wir letzte Woche wieder zu  Depot! Ich liebe diesen Laden, der hat super schöne Sachen, die nicht so billig aussehen und ist dabei gar nicht so teuer und Marcel finde die Sachen auch gut. Leider habe ich im Moment nicht so viel Geld zur Verfügung und mußte mich ganz schön zurückhalten.
So, wollt ihr den Fast fertigen Kranz sehen??? Es fehlen nur noch die Kerzen, gar nicht so leicht die passenden und dabei nicht so teuren zu finden...

Om Nom Noms...

Marcel had made some yummy thaicurry...it was delicious. Took it with us to my parents.

Ate it with curcuma-rice, a bit spice but not too hot. Marcel has a little problem making meals NOT hot, he just starts to think it's getting hot when I allready can't eat it because it would burn my mouth!!!


PS: There is no recipe and even if I would ask Marcel, he can't tell me...he just throws things in a pot ;)

Samstag, 19. November 2011


I was looking through my magazines and books to find out what I will bake for christmas and St. Nicholas day. Found a cake Marcel really likes and he couldn't wait....Aloe-Slices! So, we went to the supermarket to buy all the ingredients, but we couldn't find any aloeyoghurt :/ Had to look for an alternative and foumd yoghurt with kiwi and gooseberry!!! 

Sonntag, 13. November 2011

Yoga and Health!!!

just practised some Yoga. I always wanted to do Yoga, but didn't find the time for that. But since I often wake up in the morning with backache, I had a look in my Yoga-Box (got it as a present some time ago) and realized that pretty much of the exercises are the same I made at the physiotherapy. 


Hey everyone, how was your weekend????
Sorry, that I didn't write my second posting yesterday but we went to a concert/festival at the Pumpe, called "War over Kiel". Was quite good, had a lot of fun.
But that's not what I wanted to tell you about yesterday. I tried a new drink again. Found it at SKY our local supermarket. It's called vitamizzer and I think they want to show up just like vitaminwater in America. There are four different types and I tried absolut. Tastes pretty good but I think it's a bit too expensive (1,29€ for 500ml). Perhaps I will try the other 3 types to see which one's the best, I'll let you know.

Samstag, 12. November 2011

Dinner from Marcel!

Sometimes it happens that dinner is ready when I come home from work...o.O
Last wednesday was such a day, Marcel has finished cooking when I entered the kitchen!!! Some yummy noodles with vegetables and bologna.

We didn't cook a lot this week, hadn't had the time. But I baked a bread......

Perhaps will write another post later this day.


Sonntag, 6. November 2011

Cosy evening....

Marcel went out yesterday....and I had a cosy evening with tea and looking through books for handmade christmas-gifts.

Samstag, 5. November 2011

Cake Pops 2

Yes, the second go on cake pops....I made them smaller and used a ready to use cake frosting, but I think I need better sticks than toothpicks....they sometimes just fall of them...not good!!!
But here are the pics I made of them......

Donnerstag, 3. November 2011

Dinner is ready!

Hey, I'm very happy...I have the time to write as often as I want...YAY!!!
This time it's all about dinner....Marcel made some roulades allthough I don't eat the meat it was delicious.

Dienstag, 1. November 2011

First time.....

I told you that I bought a book about cake pops and now was the time to try a recipe...I was very excited because the pops always look so cute and cool. I first wanted to try some cool ones who look like skuls but then I thought that might be a bit too difficult for my first try and sarted with some easy ones, plain just with some sprinkles....thought it would be much easier but without candy melts and just normal chocolate coating it was a bit tricky to cover them. They were too heavy and would hold on the stick, had to try some technics until it was okay. But lets have a look...

destroy the cake........