Dienstag, 17. Januar 2012

New Magazine!

just saw a commercial for a new magazine. Backen &Geniessen!!! Caught my attention straight away :)
Looked up the homepage and found a cool page. Want to see it yourself? Just click HERE.
You can make a standing order there and get 4 free gifts. With every issue you get a free silicone baking dish or accessory! 
I'm not if I really want to order it, most of the items are still in my kitchen and I have so many books with recipes for cakes, cookies, pies and so on and on... But I think it's a good idea for a new baking-fan, who just entered the world of baking. 
Have a creative week!


PS: Saw the new baking reality show on TV. Not overwhelming, will have to see how it emerges.

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